Saturday Shocker

Shocked.  That is the best word to describe my emotion after I finished the race.

It was soooo E A S Y.  I was very careful not to push myself so that I wouldn’t injure myself.  My goal has always been to “Finish … without injury.”  So, I reached my goal!!

I had not been able to swim 600 consecutive meters so I wasn’t sure how I would hold up in the water. It’s just not the same when you’re swimming in a pool and have to stop, turn around and push off to start again.  I took the “slow and steady” approach so I wouldn’t get winded or wear myself out.  And I didn’t even have to flip over and swim on my back for a rest.

The bike went well, also.  The time I’ve spent with Andy on the two Saturday group rides truly paid off.  The terrain was a little more hilly, but all in all, it was a great ride.

Transition area - between the bike and run

The run …. well, I didn’t know that so much of it would be weaving through uncharted woods with roots, pine needles and pine cones to dodge.  There was a huge ravine that was harder to go down into than to pull out of on the other side.  But, it was a great distraction to focus on your footing and so the run went well.  I only had to walk a little.

All in all,  I was surprised at how easy it was.  In the end, I wasn’t really winded or tired.  After the race, I went home and took care of chores around the house then went to a house warming party followed by an Adult Night Party at our local neighborhood pool.  Tri-the-Parks t-shirt logoSo, all the fretting that I did two days prior, worrying about getting hurt and not sure that I could even complete the whole race …. was for naught.  The race was great.  I am pleased to say that I reached my goal:  I finished – without injury AND had a great time!!!

3 thoughts on “Saturday Shocker

  1. Congrats on a fabu achievement! I’ve been following you for a couple of months and can’t even remember how I found your blog but really enjoy your writing and envy your ability to share such emotional aspects of your life with the clarity and candor of an observer…not an easy task when it’s YOUR LIFE.


  2. Thanks, Bev, for your congrat… and compliment. Few people leave comments and I often wonder if my stat counter is right. Are there people actually READING what I write???? Y’all are SO quiet… LOL.
    I’m glad you’re reading, and welcome your comments and observations any time.


  3. I think you are so amazing!! You think…a lot…and come up with ways of viewing things that are unusual, deep, and profound. Plus, you are not afraid to try new things and live life to the fullest. You don’t let anything stop you. You inspire me!!

    Tiffany ❤


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